"Truth is powerful and it prevails"- Sojouner Truth
Sunday morning the phone rings. I pick up the phone, and on
the other end is a dear friend who called to say that she was thinking of me.
It was the day after the Women’s March. We talked about who attended and shared
our excuses for not attending. We both agreed that the March was important to
show a collective stand. However, we both had exchanged our deeper analysis of
social conditions in America and why we each stayed away which may have left us
with feeling some sort of guilt.
After ending this conversation her words resonated with me,
“Just stand in your own truth.” This statement repeated in my thoughts as began
to process the many interpretations of its meaning that applied to my life. The
most relevant and important interpretation was the truth in this moment. The
reality of my truth became evident; which I have avoided by the many convenient
distractions as afforded by modern technology. My excuses are common to most;
coming home tired from working every day, watching drama and reality TV to help
numb out my own reality, or becoming ill and simply doing nothing because I
need to ‘recover’ are only excuses to avoid my truth.
I had been feeling a bit annoyed and angry about a
relationship that never failed to disappoint when my sister-friends’ words gave
me light. There are many difficult relations,
close and distant with persons perhaps at the job, a neighbor, local or
national politicians, family members, or persons with a few degrees of
separation that are broken and in states of dysfunction that may never be
repaired. But we don’t have to remain a
victim of those relations in absent of respectability; nor do we have to remain
a victim of our own thinking. Know
that we can immediately free the mind when we shift our attention on our own truth;
which cannot be one steeped in bitterness of the past nor of any present
condition that is temporary.
Don’t get caught off guard because bull-crap is all around
and will cause distraction from any place at any time. Here are a three way to help gain focus and
channel positive energy towards living your truth.
- Begin first with stepping away from toxic people and environments that keep you engage with day-to-day distractions. This only serves in keeping the mind reactive and sedated in anger. It is ineffective, un-empowering and unhealthy.
- Meditate and not medicate. Find your own truth through quiet soul searching. Identify what brings you joy perhaps through a talent or activity. There are things you can focus on daily that make life gratifying and help to manifest peace.
- Be deliberate about a purpose. Allow yourself to have a purpose in life and don’t generalize it. Do not simply state ‘my purpose in life is to just be happy,’ rather, challenge yourself to be specific.
Your truth can quickly and easily fade in the
background of other people’s b**s** and sometimes self-imposed. That is not to say
that general movements are not legitimate causes. There are times when we need to put aside our
personal issues and stand for something greater. However, when the individual
voice has been muted by superficial surroundings, anger and resentment
cultivates. When we are ready to stop blaming others, or look for excuses and
reason to be mad; we can take responsibility for our personal self-worth,
happiness and achievements that require discipline and dedication.
The only importance is to live in your individual truth. Once
you can stand in your own truth, only then you can stand for others. I am
confident that outcome will be life gratifying and fulfilling.
This is
awakening your truth.
Sonja 'Song Bee' Brooks